
Big Ben FAQ

What is meatier meat?2021-11-22T10:45:58+13:00

To improve the quality of Big Ben’s meat. We worked with our suppliers to source a different cut of meat, that had less meat quality issues. Then we cleaned and diced it. So now Big Ben steak pies have bigger chunkier pieces of steak.

What happened to the plain steak pies?2021-11-22T10:44:23+13:00

Kiwi’s love pies and over time they have told us which pies they love more than others. So to make sure we only make what our pie nation really wants. We have removed products that are no longer loved as much.

What meat did you buy before?2021-11-22T10:43:55+13:00

Big Ben has always bought NZ beef but now we’re buying cuts of meat that are better for making steak pieces.

Did you change the recipe?2021-11-22T10:43:25+13:00

No, we didn’t change the recipe. All our Big Ben pies still have the same great taste!

Is this a temporary change?2021-11-22T10:48:05+13:00

No this is not a temporary change. We take product quality seriously and are going to keep making meatier and more satisfying pies because it’s the right thing to do for kiwis who love this great nation.

When was big ben launched?2021-11-26T10:57:18+13:00

The Big Ben trademark was first registered in 1969, so we believe the brand was launched around this time.

Who owns Big Ben?2021-11-22T10:52:16+13:00

Big Ben is a trademarked brand. It is owned in New Zealand by George Weston Foods NZ Ltd.

Is there any relationship between Big Ben pies and the Big Ben clock tower in the UK?2021-11-26T10:57:47+13:00

No, we are a totally different Big Ben. For one we are delicious.

Where do you bake Big Ben pies?2021-11-22T10:54:55+13:00

We bake Big Ben pies right here in Auckland, New Zealand.

What are Big Ben pies made out of?2021-11-22T10:56:12+13:00

Big Ben pies are baked right here in Auckland, New Zealand. They’re made with mostly New Zealand grown ingredients. Big Ben uses 100% lean NZ grown Beef and Chicken.

What is the most popular pie flavour?2021-11-22T10:57:25+13:00

This is a tough one! We would say based on all pies sold that Mince & Cheese would be kiwis favourite pie flavour. This is followed closely by Steak & Cheese.

Why do you have a cowboy on your packaging?2021-11-22T10:59:12+13:00

1969 was way before records were saved on computers. So, we don’t know the whole story. But we think that our forefathers chose the cowboy as a cowboy is a modern-day cattle farmer and many pies are made with beef.

Is Big Ben American?2021-11-22T11:00:21+13:00

No. Big Ben has always been a kiwi brand.

How many Big Ben pies do you bake every year?2021-11-22T11:01:23+13:00

Big Ben bakes and fuels well over 13 million kiwis every year. That’s a lot of adventuring right there!

Where can I find Big Ben pies?2021-11-26T10:58:32+13:00

Big Ben pies are available in a lot of places. From fuel stations, your favourite supermarket or conveniently on the corner at your local dairy.

How do I cook Big Ben pies?2021-11-22T11:06:56+13:00

Click on the button below to find heating instructions for reheating any Big Ben pie or sausage roll product.

What is Big Ben doing to become more sustainable?2021-11-22T11:09:38+13:00

Big Ben is committed to helping keep New Zealand the way we love this country. Click on the button below to find out what Big Ben is doing.

Can I buy Big Ben pies in Australia?2021-11-22T11:13:46+13:00

No, unfortunately George Weston Foods NZ doesn’t own the brand in Australia. So, we are unable to export our delicious pies to our Aussie neighbours. So you’ll have to come home to satisfy that pie craving.

Can I buy Big Ben pies online?2021-11-22T11:13:30+13:00

No, but you can buy Big Ben products from any good retailer.

Can I buy Big Ben products from the bakery?2021-11-22T11:15:03+13:00

No, but you can buy Big Ben products from any good retailer.

Can I buy Big Ben pie or sausage roll seconds?2021-11-22T11:18:08+13:00

No, unfortunately we do not sell seconds or products that are not quite meeting our product specifications. We take product quality seriously and do not want to risk any pie lover not satisfying their craving.

Does Big Ben make a vegan pie or sausage roll?2021-11-22T11:18:49+13:00

No, unfortunately we do not make any vegan certified products.

Does Big ben make a vegetarian pie or sausage roll?2021-11-22T11:20:03+13:00

No, unfortunately we do not make any vegetarian products.

Why are pies unhealthy?2021-11-22T11:22:06+13:00

It is true pies have fat in them and therefore we always recommend that pies should be consumed as part of a balanced diet. The fat is primarily found in the pastry and is a critical ingredient. We put in only enough fat to ensure when you bit into a Big Ben pie the pastry is soft and delicious. Pastry fat is also what helps the pie pastry stay soft and delicious in the pie warmer!

How many calories are in a Big Ben pie?2021-11-22T11:25:30+13:00

Each pie is different. We have recently updated this website to tell you how many calories are in each Big Ben pie or sausage roll. We want to help you be informed and have always recommend that Big Ben pies and sausage rolls are consumed as part of a balanced diet. Click on the button below to find the product you want to know more about.

Where did Big Ben Classic Mince 6pk go?2021-11-22T11:27:54+13:00

Unfortunately, not enough kiwis wanted this product anymore, so it was no longer viable to produce it. If you’re looking for a mince pie the Classic Mince pie is still available from any good retailer.

Where did Big Ben XXL Mince go?2021-11-22T11:28:52+13:00

Unfortunately, not enough kiwis wanted this product anymore, so it was no longer viable to produce it. If you’re looking for a mince pie the Classic Mince pie is still available from any good retailer.

Where did Big Ben XXL Pepper Steak go?2021-11-22T11:29:49+13:00

Unfortunately, not enough kiwis wanted this product anymore, so it was no longer viable to produce it.

Where did Big Ben Classic Microwaveable Apple go?2021-11-22T11:33:01+13:00

Unfortunately, not enough kiwis wanted this product anymore, so it was no longer viable to produce it.

Where did Big Ben Classic Bacon & Egg go?2021-11-22T11:34:11+13:00

Unfortunately, not enough kiwis wanted this product anymore, so it was no longer viable to produce it. If you’re looking for a bacon & egg pie the XXL Bacon & Egg with seasoned scrambled egg, stacks of bacon and splash of hollandaise is available from any good retailer.

Where did Big Ben Classic Microwaveable Cheese Sausage Roll go?2021-11-22T11:35:52+13:00

Unfortunately, not enough kiwis wanted this product anymore, so it was no longer viable to produce it. However, you can still buy the fresh Classic Cheese sausage roll, which is available from any good retailer.

Can we tour the Big Ben factory?2021-12-13T09:37:20+13:00

No. We do not currently offer tours of the factory. This is due to production safety concerns. We also need to keep pie security tight ?.

I have a pie I took out of the freezer and it is now thawed (chilled) can I put it back in the freezer?2021-12-13T10:23:25+13:00

No, it is best to cook and consume it within 3 days.

Can I freeze chilled pies that I have purchased from the supermarket?2021-12-13T10:23:20+13:00

Yes, if you do it as soon as you get home. You can then thaw out the product. If you thaw it out, then you must cook and eat it within three days. Do not refreeze the pie.

Can I still eat a Big Ben product if the expiry date has passed?2021-12-13T09:44:45+13:00

No, we do not recommend you eat the product if it has past the use by / best before date.

If I buy a product and it is past the expiry date what should I do?2021-12-13T09:48:45+13:00

We recommend that you contact our customer care team via the contact form. Share the product details and then throw the expired product away. We will send you vouchers for replacement of the product. Please let us know which shop you bought it from. So, we can send a sales rep out to work with the shop to make sure product that they sell are within their use by / best before dates.

Is Big Ben’s beef from New Zealand?2021-12-13T09:51:51+13:00

Yes!  Big Ben only sources it’s delicious beef from New Zealand.

Are any Big Ben pies Halal certified?2021-12-13T09:53:58+13:00

No, sorry. At this time no Big Ben products are Halal certified.

What meat goes into Big Ben Sausage Rolls?2021-12-13T09:57:20+13:00

Beef that has been sourced from New Zealand.

Where do we source our Chicken from?2021-12-13T09:59:16+13:00

Big Ben only sources Chicken meat from New Zealand.

What kind of chicken meat does Big Ben use?2021-12-13T10:01:36+13:00

Big Ben pies uses New Zealand sourced chicken thigh meat. We think this is the more succulent and tastier meat. Perfect for making delicious pies with.

Can I recycle Big Ben Classic or XXL packaging?2021-12-13T10:12:19+13:00

Yes, you can recycle this via the soft plastic recycling scheme. Refer to our store locations map to find your nearest collection point.

Can I recycle Big Ben Classic Microwaveable packaging?2021-12-13T10:11:24+13:00

No. Unfortunately, that is a laminated film and can only go to landfill. This is something we are working on to resolve but the technology is not available yet to make it more sustainable.

Can I recycle the Big Ben Classic 6pk clear plastic packaging?2021-12-13T10:13:28+13:00

Yes, you can recycle this via the soft plastic recycling scheme. Refer to our store locations map to find your nearest collection point.

Can I recycle the Big Ben Classic 6pk red tray?2021-12-13T10:14:46+13:00

Currently No. The current red tray can only be sent to landfill. This is something we are working towards addressing.

How hot is the XXL Chipotle Steak & Double Cheese?2024-04-30T12:05:12+12:00

We designed this pie to have a mild heat profile. If you like food spicier, we recommend grabbing your favourite hot sauce and adding extra heat.

What is Chipotle?2024-04-30T12:05:54+12:00

A chipotle is a smoke-dried jalapeño.

What does chipotle taste like?2024-04-30T12:06:43+12:00

The chipotle puree that the XXL Chipotle Steak & Double cheese uses smoke-dried jalapeños, which gives them a smoky flavour.

Do you use real chipotle chillies?2024-04-30T12:07:02+12:00

Yes, we use a chipotle puree.

Is the chipotle puree throughout the pie filling or a sauce on top?2024-04-30T12:07:56+12:00

The chipotle puree is blended throughout the pie filling.

Where does the chipotle puree come from?2024-04-30T12:08:46+12:00

The chipotles are grown in Mexico and turned into a puree in New Mexico, USA.

Why are the chipotles from America?2024-04-30T12:09:08+12:00

We looked locally but there were no options readily available for us to use. We are always reviewing our sourcing and would consider a local option if it became available.